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Protect Yourself Financially During and Following COVID-19
We are living through a stressful time in regards to our health and our financial stability. The following article will discuss a few ways to protect yourself financially during and following the COVID-19 crisis.
What is Personal Bankruptcy
You’ve likely heard the term “bankruptcy” in television shows and movies, but do you know all that it entails? In essence, bankruptcy gives an individual riddled with debt the opportunity to relieve his or her financial handicap.
What is a Consumer Proposal
The ability to reduce your debt by up to 97% without sacrificing your credit score is the biggest reason to consider a Consumer Proposal. But how does it work and is it right for you? That’s what we’re going to find out.
What Are The Differences Between An LIT And A Debt Consultant
Dealing with a large amount of debt is overwhelming; when creditors and collection agencies start calling it can feel like there’s no escape. Online research only adds to the confusion with options that are difficult to understand. Some may even seem fraudulent. The good news is there are solutions, no matter what your debt situation may be.
Here Are 3 Reasons To Hire A Financial Wellness Coach
A financial wellness coach works with clients who need help with money management. They often provide basic financial literacy to help clients work on their own, as well as set financial goals while creating a plan to get there. You’ll most likely be working together for several months and your coach should check in with you too, periodically.
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Andrea Orr is known in our community as a caring, competent professional who has helped thousands of people find the path to Financial Wellness. Let us help you, contact us here.